My life changed forever when I learned about energy healing and experienced it for myself firsthand. But before I explain how it changed my life, let me first explain what it is.
Energy work focuses solely on the energy body, but what exactly is the energy body and how could this possibly make us happier, healthier, and maybe even more successful? Let’s use fear as an example. Have you ever thought about where emotions, like fear, come from and how we feel them in our body? If we hurt our ankle, there is something physical that we can point to, but this is not so with emotions. Emotions are a function of our energy body, which produces sensations in the physical body, but have no real physical origin. The energy body produces sensations as our feedback loop and, if we ignore them, how will we ever overcome challenging emotions such as fear?
So how does fear show up in our body and, more importantly, how does it get stuck in our energy body, ultimately preventing us from achieving that which we so desire? Fear is an emotion we often repress because strong and confident women aren’t supposed to feel afraid—or at least that’s what we’ve been told. We believe because we have repressed the fear that we have conquered it, but that’s unfortunately not true. It resides in our energy body as a stuck emotion and will continue to haunt us as a roadblock to a happy, healthy, and successful life until we can release this stuck energy and liberate ourselves forever. This is where knowing about EFT and EmoTrance becomes a game-changer for us personally as well as professionally—and it’s a secret you are going to want to tell others about!
A happy, healthy, and successful life is not truly possible without a healthy mindset. Energy work can clear us of all of these negative emotions, like fear, self-doubt, low self-esteem, lack of confidence, etc., that limit us in so many ways. When our mindset is focused on any of these negative thoughts, we certainly have an energetic blockage, which is often why success is eluding us.
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Emotional Transformation (EmoTrance) are mind-body techniques for removing unhealthy thinking patterns and for managing unresolved emotional issues that reside in our blocked energy body. These techniques aim to release these energy blockages and restore balance to the body’s energy system. Our energy body is the direct cause of how we feel—for our emotional states. Therefore, the energy body is the direct cause for whether or not we feel, think, and act confidently and, ultimately, successfully. Let’s break this down a little further.
We all have physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects, but we are also energetic beings. In Eastern cultures, the life force energy that flows through every living thing is called Qi (Chinese) or Prana (Indian). These cultures believe that the proper flow of life force energy, is the vital element for our well-being as it creates health and harmony within the body. These energy pathways are called meridians. They connect all the major organ systems in our bodies and can become blocked from trauma, stress, emotions, addictions, etc. These cultures believe that the root of all physical, mental, and spiritual problems can be traced back to these blockages. Energy field healing is exceptionally potent and has been used in ancient cultures for thousands of years via acupuncture, chakra work, reiki, etc.
The basic technique for EFT is similar to acupuncture in that it focuses on tapping on the meridian points to restore balance to our body’s energy by removing blockages. Restoring this energy balance can relieve symptoms that a negative experience or emotion may have caused. EmoTrance is more of a breathing technique and no tapping is required.
Back to how energy work became a game-changer in my life. I had decided early on that I was going to be a powerful, confident woman and, to the outside, I was. What I didn’t realize when I made this declaration to myself years earlier was that there is a healthy and an unhealthy way of becoming such a woman. Storing all of the unhealthy emotions inside of us so that “nobody sees you sweat,” is incredibly unhealthy and it makes the “powerful, confident woman” a little bit of a facade. Using energy work to clear common negative emotions like fear, self-doubt, frustration, worry, guilt, and lack of confidence, made my declaration of “powerful, confident woman,” feel true, organic, and liberating. It allowed me to be the woman I wanted to be authentically.
I believe that EFT and EmoTrance are the magic formulas that we’ve all been looking for to remove any and all of our negative emotions that are residing within us as energetic blockages. They are simply getting in the way! Removing these blockages can help build a powerful mindset for true and sustainable success in addition to adding to our happiness, our overall health, and our confidence.
If you’d like to learn more about how you can use EFT to unblock the energy that is holding you back from becoming your best self, reach out to us at This is the ultimate game-changer you’ve been looking for!
-Beth Fitzgerald